Thursday, March 1, 2012

March Magic

Twenty days until spring, folks. This is always a time of rebirth and awakening for me. I can sense the energy grumbling beneath the earth and waiting to burst forth with life. It's time to get outside and start the early preparations for my garden. I know it sounds crazy with six inches of snow on the ground, but it will be gone before we know it and I'll be out there in a few weeks trimming down some of last summer's remnants. Butterfly bushes and hydrangeas will get a gentle trimming and all the dead pods I left for winter birds will need to be cleared out to make way for new growth in the perennial bed.

On the writing front, I'll be busy getting SAVAGE CINDERELLA ready for publication. Release day is March 15th.

I'll have hard copies available through my website or on Amazon, but since I've elected to publish with Amazon's KDP Select program, the book won't be available for Nook readers until June. This was a hard decision for me because I have loved B&N for many years. But honestly, this is a business decision for me. I have had much greater sales through Amazon and the Select program offers some benefits that I can't get any other way. If you have an i-pad or sony reader, or even an i-phone, you can download a Kindle app and be able to get the e-book that way. If anyone has a problem with this, please contact me and I will make sure you get a copy of the book.

As for where I'll be this month, please check out my calendar page of my website to follow my blog tour. You can also "like" my Face book fan page and keep track of my activiteies that way. I always love hearing from readers and writers about what's happening in your world and what your thoughts are about my books.

And speaking of books, I need a title for the first book in the dystopian trilogy I'm working on. The series will be called THE CHRONICLES OF LILLY CARMICHAEL. Click here for a brief synopsis and then stop back in when you have some ideas for titles. If I choose your title, I'll send you signed copies of my first three books. Contest ends at midnight on March 31st.

I look forward to hearing your ideas!