Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome To My World

Hey Everyone,

I'm glad to have my blogger site back on line and my new website up and running. I've learned so much in the process of creating my own website, linking all of my social sites (I'm still not set up correctly with Facebook, so don't friend/like me yet--I'll let you know:), and uploading my book for final print so I can have it available by the September 24th release date. So here I am with twelve days to go, and I feel like Chicken Little, a grand adventure looming ahead.That's actually my dog, Zak, who takes his watchdog duties very seriously.

I look forward to spending time with you here on Friday's when I'll blog on a topic related either to my books, the writing world, or other adventures I encounter along the way. I'll also continue to blog as Tuesday's Child on the Scribes blog, discussing all things writerly with my sister scribes. The site (click on the link at the upper right hand corner just above my Home Page Link) has become my second home and has a growing collection of short stories and great posts from the scribes as well as many noted authors and industry professionals. Pop on over for a visit to learn more.

Watch for updates on the Calendar page of my site; pics, slide shows, and videos on theAdventures and Photos page, and go to Extras, to get a sneak peek at excerpts of my books, playlists of songs I think fit my books or characters, and to follow contests and giveaways as they come along. As a newbie in the indie-publishing world,I hope you'll be patient with me as I figure out how this crazy business works. I'll try to share important industry information and you can count on honest and straightforward posts from me about my observations and lessons learned on the journey.

Thank you so much for sharing your time with me and I hope I can entertain and inform you with my weekly blog updates. Stay tuned!



  1. Welcome back! Checked out your site, excited about your release date and the second book following soon after. You're an inspiration and I'm proud to know you, even if only through cyber space. Quit waiting for the sky to fall!

  2. Congrats on the new site/blog! looks great--love your guardian dog!
